by | 9 April, 2021

When people get hired in state institutions based on their contribution to the party, are they told that they have to turn on their brain from time to time? 

1 Three of the suspects, out of the nine people the Ministry of Internal Affairs detained for issuing forged original passports, had their passports taken away by the court as a precautionary measure. So, they made fake passports for 214 people from all over the world, but didn’t manage to make some for themselves?

For us as citizens,  it absolutely doesn’t matter who was the first one to find out about the unlawfully issued passports, who made it known, how they made it known, why they made it known, whether the investigation was exposed prematurely as SDSM accuse, or whether the Ministry of Internal Affairs wanted to cover it up, as VMRO-DPMNE accuse. Parties can keep tossing snide remarks back and forth indefinitely. To blame each other about who was hired when, which position they were hired for, which qualifications and how much work experience they had when they were hired in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, based on which party list they were proposed for employment… All that bickering between the parties will just water down the essence. And the essence is that there had been a criminal gang in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for years. And that all those years that criminal gang had been under surveillance not only by the domestic law enforcement authorities, but also the American security agencies and Interpol. And the Americans were certainly not interested in catching the office workers who take passport photos in the MRTV building.

Now, it’s logical to ask why Hristijan Mickoski would find it convenient to expose the investigation carried out in collaboration with the regional security office of the USA? Although, when it comes to Mickoski, it’s always difficult to find logic in things. He can’t have undermined an international operation just so he could boo Zaev at his press conferences, right? Who knows how many crooks with Macedonian passports remained undiscovered.

Plus, if VMRO-DPMNE felt like bragging, they already have Nake Culev. He inherited the biggest investigation when he served as Technical Minister of Internal Affairs in the technical government before the elections, and could have caught the small fish even then, if they were the ones to be caught. Why would a clerk working at the passport office in Skopje matter to America.

On the other hand, it’s logical to ask the question why Oliver Spasovski, who’s served as Minister of Internal Affairs for almost 5 years, didn’t manage to break up their den in the heart of our country? Then, just ten days ago he had one more of his investigations exposed, the one intended to catch the drug lords. They only caught the small-fry dealers. They even managed to hide the drugs. Before that, they caught the forged licenses. Before that, the forged diplomas. Before that, the citizenships and the personal numbers with multiple ID cards and the ghost voters. They held hands and voted, right?

Just what kind of people do they hire in the Ministry of Internal Affairs? In other countries if you want to join the police they search you thoroughly, while here you leave prison with a drug conviction and they immediately assign you to a department for illicit drug trade. They brought them down from the mountains and sent them to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to get rehabilitated and reintegrated into society. How do you want us to do this? According to the framework agreement, according to the party list, according to local patriotism, according to family connections…  So you think to yourself, if I can get a job in the police using a forged diploma, why shouldn’t I forge passports for retirement benefits. The party will protect me anyway. If not the party, then we’ll refer to the adequate ethnic representation.

And we’re still naïve, wondering why Nikola Gruevski escaped them.

2  You can notice that over here even a classic criminal activity has to be connected to accusations made by the parties. They don’t speak about criminals. They speak about whether those criminals are from SDSM, VMRO-DPMNE or DUI.

Well, precisely because of the fact that in our country even criminals have to be labeled with a party, everything is done to bring political benefit to the party, without taking into account the interest of the country, I am afraid that this international scandal too will end with political bargaining. They will take pictures together at a leadership meeting. In case they need each other for a future coalition.

That’s why, I don’t really care about what SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE have to say about the clerks in the passport office. As for DUI – I couldn’t care less. If the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor’s Office stop there, at the small fish they’ve detained, if this doesn’t get resolved at court, then it will be yet another political agreement to the detriment of the country. And then, all those Facebook statuses about seized butters and the number of glasses of water drunk – will go down the drain. Without a purged Ministry of Internal Affairs – the country itself goes down the drain.

3 Every wonder lasts three days. Do you think anyone will remember the tragic story of the shepherd from a village near Kratovo, who was carried by an emergency medicine doctor for five hours on a makeshift stretcher through snow and inaccessible terrain? So-and-so man there, with no contribution to the party, which is why we don’t know him, fell in the snow and almost froze to death. And some young doctor did his best to save him, and disturbed and made phone calls to the competent authorities. He called the mayor, called the police, called the fire department, the Crisis Management Center…He asked them to send a tractor or an off-road vehicle, but they didn’t have one. Allegedly, he didn’t request a helicopter. It’s a good thing he wasn’t accused for a medical error. Do you really think that someone else who was appointed by the party could be found guilty?

Who knows how many cases of negligence there are in the public services. We wouldn’t have found out about this case, if the doctor hadn’t been upset and hadn’t posted it on Facebook. All of those who were supposed to receive the information, did. But no one acted on it. I wonder, when people get hired in state institutions based on their contribution to the party, are they told that they have to turn on their brain from time to time?

You know how advanced artificial intelligence is, don’t you? As for the party intelligence, not only are they not required to turn on their brain, they’re not required to even read the operating procedures. They don’t care about the shepherd and the doctor. They’ve found themselves a state job, and they don’t have a care in the world.

4 The Government refuse to reveal the names of the 58 counselors whom they pay their monthly fee. They say that if they revealed the names of the ones who are getting paid to write press releases, to write all sorts of studies, editors, land surveying counselors, translators, EU integration counselors… their privacy would be violated.

Of course, since the Government are very transparent, they won’t tell the names, but they tell what are the tasks we pay them for. Among those writers of press releases there is a counselor on the fight against Covid-19. If hiding the names of the other counselors cannot be justified, there is some logic in the name of the Covid counselor being kept a secret by the Government. They’re afraid that the more advanced democracies will take him from us so they could implement our model in the fight against Covid-19 – a NATO army is getting vaccinated with Russian vaccines, a gift from Serbia.

Translate by Nikola Gjelinheski