by | 19 April, 2024

Thank you, SDSM, it took you just seven years to bring us to such a low point where VMRO talks about a proud Macedonia.

1 Everyone will get a day off. So everyone would be able go to the elections. God, what a decision. The Wednesdays when the elections will be held have been declared non-working days. By the Government’s decision. With the explanation – to ensure a smooth election process. But what about the production process – apparently, that’s not important.

How do they expect employees in private companies to earn a salary? So they’d be able to provide salaries for the public administration. And to make money to enable the parties to take their supporters from one rally to another by bus. To make money for the ads that make us laugh as well.

Why would anyone stop the production process on election day? After all, voting will take place from 7 am to 7 pm. Is it supposed to be a celebration of democracy, so that’s why we need to give holiday wages? Anyone who wants to vote has enough time to vote. Everyone knows it’s a working day for the people serving on election boards on behalf of the state. But what about everyone else? They can either take an unpaid day off if their boss approves or use a day of their holiday allowance. Employers haven’t planned money for two additional non-working days in the salary budget, days that people might use to waste time at party headquarters.

This shows yet again how out of touch party leadership is with reality. That is, they live in a parallel reality in which the most important thing for them is the party bootlickers, promising them jobs to serve us, although they fail to do so. That’s the sort of leadership we’re dealing with. They don’t even hide whose needs they service.

2 SDSM is running a campaign in favour of the European Union. They claim they have a vision, they know how and when we’ll join the EU. How? By changing the Constitution but I wonder how they plan to secure 80 MPs. When? Not even the European Union knows that. Perhaps that’s why in their promotional video they’re climbing a peak, but once they get up there they see the EU flag on another peak, in the distance. Then they descend from the mountain and play football on a field. And Dimitar Kovachevski shoots into an empty goal. Ladies and gentlemen, since the EU put a wall in front of the goal, his party could have at least shown a goalkeeper in a Bulgarian shirt making an effort to stop the ball.

They shouldn’t just shoot into an empty goal. They should promise to respect the laws we already have and make sure those laws will apply to everyone equally. What has SDSM done during its rule to bring the country to a position where we take a shot to score? They’ve failed with waste collection, they can’t punish people parking on pedestrian zones, they turn a blind eye to cafes encroaching on public spaces, they ignore the loud music… let them try to find a country in the EU they promise us so much where the government does at it pleases like here. Even the road markings have faded, and they’re talking about some distant future.

3 VMRO-DPMNE doesn’t know how to guide Macedonia into the EU, but that’s why it doesn’t speak about the EU. They’ll focus on making Macedonia “proud again.” Are they planning to revive the pride of the Nikola Gruevski era? Since, that’s the time when our country took great pride in offshore accounts in Belize and other tax havens, the illegal wiretapping of thousands of citizens, the monumental robbery under the guise of “Skopje 2014,” and was especially proud of the organised attack on the Parliament on 27 April, 2017.

Unless Hristijan Mickoski and Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova intend to restore Macedonia’s pride from the era of Alexander the Great, Tsar Samoil, Goce Delchev, the Ilinden Uprising, Vancho Mihajlov… a time when the Macedonian state didn’t exist.

Well, thank you, VMRO, for reminding us of the partisans, the anti-fascist struggle, ASNOM, and the founding of our state in 1945. Because that was a period of genuine pride. When the Krushevo Manifesto was fully realised. When the Macedonian language was codified, so thank you for reminding us of Blazhe Koneski, whom your party leaders refer to as “the dwarf from Nebregovo.”

Macedonia has been ours since 1945. That’s why I don’t understand what VMRO means when they promise that Macedonia will not only be “proud again,” but also “yours again.” Whose is it now?

When such a slogan comes from the party that was in power for 11 years and managed to hi-jack all state institutions, to plunder the state, to trample on law and justice at all levels and manipulated previous elections, the “yours again” actually means “theirs again.”

Thank you, SDSM, it took you just seven years to bring us to such a low point where VMRO talks about a proud Macedonia.

4 DUI kicked off its campaign for MPs with a simulation of an Assembly session. And they simulated the election of the President of the Assembly, the Prime Minister and the President of the State – all filled by Albanians. Such simulations are not new for DUI. They’ve been playing a game of “rule the state” all this time. We’ll appoint illiterate, nationalistic thugs to management positions in state institutions, we’ll give state salaries to our supporters, they don’t even have to come to work. We won’t abolish the tool for ethnic representation, people will be hired based on their nationality and not on their quality, but you’ll all be equal. And of course, they expect us to vote for them.

But how will that improve the lives of taxpayers? Fine, they don’t need to bother with the Macedonians. But they should at least consider the Albanian taxpayers who need to provide that money.

When I see the campaigns of both DUI and the Albanian opposition and when I hear what they aim to achieve, I can’t help but wonder if they’re referring to Macedonia or some other country. They have nothing to offer this country besides nationalism. The opposition includes a party that acts as an extension of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Adding a subtle twist to our well-known saying regarding new faces with same policies, it seems even more fitting for the current situation – Murti will get off the horse so Kurti can get on. It’s as if they’re running a campaign against the Macedonian state.

5 Hristijan Mickoski announced a moratorium on attacks against Levica and ZNAM, because he’s calling for national unity. That probably means that his projections for a parliamentary majority aren’t that optimistic, so he doesn’t waste time to invite Maksim Dimitrievski and Dimitar Apasiev to join the Government.

First, true unity isn’t done by inviting certain parties while treating others as traitors. National unity without SDSM isn’t unity. It actually deepens the national discord.

Second, VMRO can’t call for unity without first apologising for legalising hate speech against anyone with differing opinions during their time in power.

And third, and most important, has VMRO-DPMNE done anything of national significance for Macedonia that it now monopolises the “licence for the Macedonian identity?” Are only VMRO members Macedonians?

As for the licence for unity – they’ll renew it with Todor Aleksandrov and Kjoseto.

Translated by Nikola Gjelincheski