by | 5 March, 2021

Pardon my Serbian but I’m writing it to spite Zakharieva. So there’s some work for Bujar. So he can comfort her when she’s upset.

1What a proactive diplomacy led by minister Bujar Osmani. Bulgaria hasn’t asked for it, but he offers the idea of Bulgarians being mentioned in the Constitution. Perfectly played from a diplomatic standpoint. Then let’s hurry. While the government is busy amassing majority in the Assembly let’s finish that thing as well. Kill yourself before they kill you.

The humiliation that our political elite serve us when it comes to our attitude towards Bulgaria is really grueling. Do you know how I see them? Like someone sitting in front of their interlocutor, fidgeting with their fingers and brooding over the matter – here, tell us what we can do so you wouldn’t be mad at us for existing. How come we have to constantly explain ourselves, then to offer this and that, as if we’re guilty for something? As if we’re in the wrong all the time, so we need to yield. As if we owe anything to the Bulgarians, and we need to give it back. And to be careful with our statements, to walk on eggshells in case Ekaterina Zakharieva gets offended.

Hey, guys, stop the bootlicking. Don’t you see that the more careful we are, the more they’re on our back? First, Minister of Defence Karakachanov was going to send the army to erase the plaques on our monuments. Then President Radev was going to mobilize the counterintelligence officers to save the Bulgarians living here. And our Bujar goes on to apologize to them, and to even make up special columns for them at the census.

Will there be an election over here? Or will there be an election in Bulgaria? Why would we meddle in their pre-electoral campaign? Go on, do what you’re supposed to do. Finish your elections and then we’ll talk to the winner.

Zoran Zaev and Bujar Osmani probably approach the situation with their best intentions to politely resolve the problem. Let’s not get mad, let’s not fight…. As Zaev would say – “take it slow, take it easy…” But we don’t really have to wear sackcloth and ashes all the time.

There’s no need to explain ourselves to the Bulgarians. In the 20th century they were fascist occupiers who committed atrocities. In the 21st century they recognize neither our language nor our nation. They’re behaving like a brute on the Balkans with the power given to them by the EU membership. And still – it’s our fault? Why is it our fault? It’s our fault for being alive.

Sorry for existing, but we don’t owe them anything. On the contrary. They owe us. And if they want us to stop mentioning what they owe us, they should stop bullying us. Until then – ćao žurim*! Pardon my Serbian but I’m writing it to spite Zakharieva. So there’s some work for Bujar. So he can comfort her when she’s upset.

2 Don’t mind that, let’s see what we’re doing with our elections. Because, sooner or later, Hristijan Mickoski will recover from Covid and will bring down Zaev’s Government, again.
Zaev used a blitzkrieg to bamboozle them by calling for a vote of confidence for his Government in order to prove he had the majority. Then, why did the VMRO MPs leave the hall? Why didn’t they vote “against”? Why would the vote of confidence for Zaev’s Government go down in history without a single vote “against?”

Why? Because to vote “against” you need to have the right attitude. And this VMRO-DPMNE led by Hristijan Mickoski is always anti-against; without any logic and without any attitude.
It’s the same as the referendum for the constitutional change of the name. We’re not against it, but – we’re against it.

If you can, try to figure out what they’re trying to achieve even now, with the census campaign. We’re not against it, but we’re against it. Mickoski called Macedonians from the diaspora to self-enumerate, and added in the same sentence that VMRO-DPMNE will do everything they can for the census results to be devalued. Just what are they thinking? That statistically they’ll count people in the “I boycott” column. Or the “I don’t know if the party will let me say what I am” column? Or the “out of spite for SDSM” column? And that that statement will be valid afterwards?

Their only social engagement is to come up with stupid empty phrases to sow hatred and cause hysteria. As if they have internal competitions for who’s going to think of the most poetic abomination to be used to insult Zaev and the government – “mafia byzantinism.” Oh, wow…. But that engagement isn’t useful. The worse VMRO-DPMNE is, the sooner it will drag SDSM down. If VMRO shows that shamelessness and lying are overlooked, then why would SDSM be ashamed of shamelessness and lying? I don’t really care about the parties. What I do care about is the damage being done to the society.

3The trend of punishing the honest and disciplined citizens who obey the law still goes on. The Government proposed amendments and supplements to the Law on the treatment of unlawful constructions. As the very name suggests, it’s about unlawful constructions. So – it’s illegal. And I don’t know why anyone would build legally in the future when the state has been forgiving to the ones breaking the law for years. It’s becoming a normal practice for every government. To pass a law which will legalize crime. Then don’t call it – a law. Say – this is an amnesty. Anyone who’s committed a crime will be pardoned.

The law provides for the legalization of illegal buildings in protected areas. But in order to do that the competent authorities should give their approval. Excuse me, I didn’t quite get that. Who? Who’s supposed to give approval? The authorities pretending not to be competent when illegal buildings were being built will now be competent to decide whether to legalize them. As if the authorities will come straight from Norway and will suddenly turn competent.

The Norwegians will say: “What are you talking about? Illegal buildings here? No worries, we’re competent, we’ll solve it.” That way, the competent authority of Saray Municipality along with the mayor Blerim Bexheti, who was going to call a referendum on breaking away if the illegal platforms in Matka were demolished, will now be competent to assess the legalization of the platforms. Ramiz Merko from Struga, who stated from the position of the most competent authority that he “didn’t give a damn” about the illegal constructions on the beaches, will suddenly start “giving a damn” to make decisions and legalize them.

This law is being passed at a time when we’ve spent two years on back-and-forth discussions with UNESCO about the protection of Lake Ohrid and the shoreline. What matters is that we formed five hundred inter-ministerial committees, meetings were held, ministers, deputies, mayors travelled all over the world for various UNESCO gatherings, and a hundred reports were written. All in vain. Things are so desperate that even Minister of Culture Irena Stefoska, who is originally from Ohid, gave up and said it would be better if UNESCO declared Ohrid an endangered cultural and natural treasure. Perhaps that’s how she’ll save the town and the lake from us. Who are we to lose sleep over Ohrid? Let UNESCO lose sleep over it. They’re the ones who designated Ohrid a city of UNESCO after all, so let them protect it now.

4I think there are far greater things to worry about than our concern with UNESCO, like Tiger Woods worrying about the idea of golf courses being built in the village Lisiche, suggested by the mayor of Aerodrom, Zlatko Marin. Poor Woods, first stressing over his recovery from the recent car crash and now over the competitors who will practice in Lisiche. Because those golfers will be super-endurant. They’ll train between breaks from two stubble burnings around Lisiche and the illegal landfill Vardarishte.

We’re dumb for not having granted asylum to Subrata Roy. He promised he’d make golf courses in Ljubanishte, at Lake Ohrid. And that the last hole would be in the water. There wouldn’t be any need for Marin to dig holes in the ground before the elections. In the water, we’d have – a hole.

Translated by Nikola Gjelincheski

(*ćao žurim – “Bye, I’m in a hurry” in Serbian)